Thoughts from a Visitor

I recently read a book that made reference to the starfish story.

It revolves around an old man who goes for a walk on the beach after a big storm has passed. That day, the beach was littered with starfish. From a distance, he spotted a little boy. (I believe some versions say it is a girl.) The boy seemed to be picking something up and throwing it back into the sea. The man could see that he was doing this over and over again. The man asked the boy what he was doing. The boy replied that he was throwing the starfish back into the ocean. He said that if they were left there on the beach, they would die when the sun got high. To this, the old man replied that there were thousands of starfish on the beach! “You won’t make much difference” he told him. The boy picked another starfish and threw it back into the sea. Smiling, he then turned and told the man “I made a difference to that one!”

Sometimes as a visitor I feel overwhelmed at the plight of people in detention and my ignorance over how I can help them. Yet for some reason as I read the above tale I immediately thought about GDWG. We must carry on if only to help one person at a time realise that they are not invisible.


Why are people who have experienced detention not heard?


Reflections on the March Zoom Gathering